Peugeot Citroen - Internal fan blower motor failures.


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Most French cars manufactured from 2006 onwards to present day cars just out of warranty - suffer internal blower motor failure at one point of there service lives.

This is due to poor design...

From no powerhold relays to PCB mounted relays (micro relays) - poor wiring connectors - poor fan positioning from LHD to RHD at factory.

Models include 2008 - 3008 - 207 -307 - 308 - C1 - C2 - C3 - C4.



We are equipped to diagnose and repair this type fo fault at our workshop in PE301FB - we can enact fan replacement - wiring repairs - BCM/BSi printed circuit board repairs.


Most Peugeot/Citroen vehicles to restore the internal blower motor function - end up with a repair bill not exeeding £260 including parts and labour.


Page updated 07-11-23